We are dedicated to reuniting lost property with its rightful owner anywhere in the world. If your business becomes a property partner of wereturnit.com we will tailor a collection and storage package that suits your needs whilst maintaining your businesses hard-earned reputation.
We look forward to providing you and your Guests with a one- stop shop for all of your lost property needs.
Many businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector (amongst others) inherit a lost property problem due to the very nature of their business. Trying to return these items to their rightful owners can tie up valuable resources and real estate.
Only you can ascertain how many man hours your staff spend sorting through items, calling Guests back, keeping phone lines busy etc. If and when items are found a lot of businesses actually absorb the cost of postage and repatriation. We have also found that a lot of businesses have no way of facilitating repatriation or are unwilling to absorb the costs of returning items.
Once your business agrees to become a property partner of wereturnit.com the process for all enquiries is very simple. If your business receives a call regarding lost property, the Guests is referred to us and we handle the rest. This enables
businesses staff members to carry out their normal functions, while not having to sort lost property. There are charges for the Guests that have lost their items, which we have very clearly displayed on our website.
On collection of items from a designated collection point, they will be securely transported to our facility where all items will be inventoried and stored for 31 days, using our bespoke and unique management system. We will charge and access electronic items in order to find the identity of owners. If successful, owners will be contacted for delivery of item. After the 31-day waiting period, all unclaimed electronic items will be wiped, defragged and overwritten in line with EU legislation regarding data protection (European Communities (Electronic Communications networks and Services), (Privacy and Communications) Regulations 2011 Section 16).
Amongst our current list of property partners are some well known international companies. We have operations in Europe, USA, Caribbean and the Middle East. We are currently in negotiations with other major companies to ensure they remain compliant with above regulations regarding data protection.
Again, thank you for your interest and we do hope to hear from you soon.
Gerry Byrne
Managing Director. www.wereturnit.com